Legal and Insurance
Get 42 seminars addressing the full spectrum of self-storage: development, construction, investment, ownership, management, marketing, technology and more. Enjoy significant savings!
Item Number ISS3032Digital-only Access $649.00 -
Get 28 education sessions that address important aspects of self-storage facility operation. This discount bundle addresses issues of sales, service, marketing, revenue, staffing, technology, legal and more.
Item Number ISS3033Digital-only Access $499.00 -
Get insight to the self-storage big picture. This seven-session track of seminars delves into the trends, challenges, data and advice that are shaping the industry today.
Item Number ISS3035Digital-only Access $149.00 -
The drivers that impact self-storage businesses can also have legal ramifications. In this session, an industry attorney will discuss what’s on the horizon for operators from a liability standpoint.
Item Number 6353030771112Digital-only Access $25.00 -
An insurance void could mean risk and financial instability. Our presenter teaches tailored strategies, including specialized coverage options and risk-management techniques, to fortify your operation.
Item Number 6353038468112Digital-only Access $25.00 -
Though resilient, self-storage is vulnerable to climate change. This session will explore how it’s is likely to fare in the years ahead as well as what you can do to protect your property and people.
Item Number 6353031152112Digital-only Access $25.00 -
Get 42 seminars addressing the full spectrum of self-storage: development, construction, customer experience, investment, ownership, management, marketing, technology and more. Enjoy significant savings!
Item Number ISS3014Digital-only Access $649.00 -
Get 21 education sessions that address important aspects of self-storage facility operation. This discount bundle addresses issues of sales, service, marketing, revenue, staffing, technology, legal and more.
Item Number ISS3015Digital-only Access $369.00 -
Get seven education sessions on important self-storage topics selected by ISS editors. This discount bundle offers insight to social tokens, marketing, boat/RV storage, conversions, legal issues and more.
Item Number ISS3018Digital-only Access $149.00 -
Our presenter will explain how key federal regulations apply to your self-storage operation and offer insight on how to remain compliant and avoid liability.
Item Number 6328683793112Digital-only Access $25.00