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Give Them What They Want! Secrets to Staff Compensation, Motivation and Retention

Give Them What They Want! Secrets to Staff Compensation, Motivation and Retention

Hiring self-storage staff is expensive and filled with opportunity costs, so retention is a key strategy. Our presenter will share tips on how to limit turnover and ensure owners and employees are satisfied. 

Speaker: Stephanie Tharpe, Owner, A+ Management Group LLC 
Format: Streaming video 
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes 

Give Them What They Want! Secrets to Staff Compensation, Motivation and Retention 

Once a job candidate is hired, it takes six to eight months for them to reach full productivity. In the meantime, you’re investing in this person financially and dealing with opportunity costs (the loss of potential gain from other alternatives). In short, hiring is expensive! So, you don’t want to do it more than necessary. Our presenter will explain how to limit turnover and ensure both you and your employees are satisfied.  

You'll learn: 

  • How to improve your communication skills and share your company vision
  • Benefits you should offer including bonuses, healthcare and paid time off
  • How to train employees on operations, safety and policies
  • How to listen so your employees can express their ideas
  • Why you need to staff them respectfully

This product is also included as part of the following discount packages: 

Format: VID