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Which Way Is Up? Where Google Is Headed and How It’s Going to Help You Outrank Competitors

Which Way Is Up? Where Google Is Headed and How It’s Going to Help You Outrank Competitors

Google’s evolution is significant. Our presenter addresses the search engine’s progression, particularly recent changes, and how your company can take advantage of SEO best practices to outrank competitors. 

Speaker: Steve Lucas, CEO and Principal, The Storage Group 
Format: Streaming video 
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes 

Which Way Is Up? Where Google Is Headed and How It’s Going to Help You Outrank Competitors 

Google dominates, and its evolution is significant. What was once a simple search engine has become an ever-changing algorithm. Where does your website rank in search results? How can you ensure you appear high on the first page? Our presenter will address Google history and progress, particularly recent changes and how your company can take advantage of SEO (search engine optimization) best practices to outrank competitors. 

You'll learn: 

  • The evolving history of Google algorithms and the impact of SEO on the storage industry
  • What an algorithm is and why it matters
  • How algorithms are changing at lightning speed and how to keep up
  • The future of Google algorithms and SEO
  • SEO best practices for self-storage operators

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Format: VID