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Employment Laws and How They Apply to Self-Storage

Employment Laws and How They Apply to Self-Storage

This session will increase your familiarity with today’s employment laws, including legal restrictions that affect you as a self-storage operator and common human-resources errors to avoid.

Speaker: Wendy Christie, Consultant, Human Resource Associates
Format: Streaming Video
Duration: 47 minutes

Employment Laws and How They Apply to Self-Storage
The legal issues associated with self-storage staffing can be overwhelming, especially when you consider the increasingly litigious nature of our society and the rapidly changing employment regulations. Our presenter will increase your familiarity with today’s employment laws, discussing legal restrictions that affect you as a storage operator and common human-resources errors to avoid. You’ll learn:

  • The value of employee handbooks
  • How to avoid hidden dangers in employment agreements
  • How to maintain an "employment at will" relationship with staff
  • Privacy issues in the workplace
  • Housing concerns for staff who live onsite

This product is also available in DVD format, both as a single and as part of the following discount packages:

Format: VID