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My Pain, Your Gain: The Hard Lessons I’ve Learned About Building Self-Storage

My Pain, Your Gain: The Hard Lessons I’ve Learned About Building Self-Storage

You learn a thing or two from developing more than 3 million square feet of self-storage. In this session, our presenter shares hard lessons learned to help you successfully manage your next building project. 

Speaker: Charles Kao, Principal, Twin Oaks Capital 
Format: Streaming video 
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes 

My Pain, Your Gain: The Hard Lessons I’ve Learned About Building Self-Storage 

When you plan and build more than 3 million square feet of self-storage, you’re likely to make a few mistakes and discover important things along the way. This is precisely the case of our presenter, who’ll share some of the hard lessons he’s learned to help you successfully manage your next development. He’s been there and done that, so you don’t have to. Take advantage of the valuable experience he’s gained! 

You'll learn: 

  • What constitutes an effective site layout
  • How to arrive at a good building size and unit mix
  • The right materials for driveways and lighting
  • What’s a reasonable price for contractors and when you should opt to pay more 
  • Strategies to differentiate your facility from competitors

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Format: VID