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Optimizing Your Self-Storage Rental Rates for Higher NOI and Facility Value

Optimizing Your Self-Storage Rental Rates for Higher NOI and Facility Value

Our presenter will show you how to develop a strategic self-storage revenue plan that includes rate optimization as well as discuss its potential impact on net operating income and facility value.

Speaker: Chuck Gordon, CEO, Storable
Format: Streaming video
Duration: Approximately 37 minutes

Optimizing Your Self-Storage Rental Rates for Higher NOI and Facility Value

Revenue optimization shouldn’t be feared or dreaded. With self-storage operating costs on the rise and occupancy rates at all-time highs, it’s all about supply and demand. If you aren’t seeking ways to earn more per unit, you’re putting your business at risk. Our presenter will discuss how to develop a strategic revenue plan that includes rate optimization, plus the potential impact on net operating income and facility value.

You’ll learn:

  • How supply and demand should guide your approach to revenue
  • Why revenue management is crucial to sustainable growth
  • How to develop a pricing plan that fits your business
  • How to optimize rates for occupied and vacant units
  • The potential impact to your net operating income and facility value

This product is also included as part of the following discount packages:

Format: VID