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Ready for Takeoff! How to Set Up a New Self-Storage Operation for Launch

Ready for Takeoff! How to Set Up a New Self-Storage Operation for Launch

Learn how to set up your new self-storage management office and operation to hit the ground running. Topics include timelines, appropriate checklists, strategies and more.

Speaker: Denise Bowley, Owner, Self Storage Science LLC
Format: Streaming Video
Duration: 32 minutes

Ready for Takeoff! How to Set Up a New Self-Storage Operation for Launch
There’s a lot to keep your eye on during the building phase of a self-storage project, including preparation to open for business as soon as your general contractor hands you the keys. Our presenter will examine the important steps needed to set up your management office and operation for a smooth and hassle-free transition. She’ll cover timelines, appropriate checklists, strategies and more.

You’ll learn:

  • Timelines for setting up software, payment processing, hiring, utilities, etc.
  • Initial marketing strategies for local visibility
  • Which supplies you’ll need prior to opening
  • Must-have checklist items during your walkthrough with the general contractor
  • How to properly set up your computer and files for opening day

This product is also available in DVD format.

Format: VID