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Square Pegs and Round Holes: Self-Storage Design for Challenging Parcels

Square Pegs and Round Holes: Self-Storage Design for Challenging Parcels

Learn how to maximize square footage on oddly shaped land parcels and space-challenged sites. Discover obstacles you might encounter and how to overcome them.

Speaker: Ken Carrell, Principal, ARE Associates
Format: Streaming Video
Duration: 32 minutes

Square Pegs and Round Holes: Self-Storage Design for Challenging Parcels
There’s no need to walk away from a small or challenging land parcel. Our speaker will show you how to maximize your square footage even when space is limited or the lot is oddly shaped. He’ll discuss the advantages to building storage on these properties over traditional sites as well as the obstacles you might encounter and how to overcome them.

You’ll learn:

  • How to create the best site layout
  • How to maximize square footage even on small sites
  • How to determine the best site access
  • How to take advantage of existing topography
  • How to use small sites to develop big projects

This product is also available in DVD format.

Format: VID