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Value Engineering in Self-Storage: Cinching the Purse Strings on Your Next Construction Project

Value Engineering in Self-Storage: Cinching the Purse Strings on Your Next Construction Project

Learn how to tighten your self-storge construction budget without sacrificing quality, functionality or aesthetics while applying strategies for site layout, interior finishes, exterior facade and more. 

Speaker: Matt DePrato, Vice President of Preconstruction, Storage Construction 
Format: Streaming video 
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes 

Value Engineering in Self-Storage: Cinching the Purse Strings on Your Next Construction Project 

Though it may seem like construction costs are becoming larger than self-storage buildings themselves, your next project doesn’t have to come with a class-A budget. Our presenter will show you how to tighten the purse without sacrificing quality, functionality or aesthetics, sharing strategies that can be applied to site layout, interior finishes, exterior facade, team hiring and more. 

You'll learn: 

  • Ways to simplify facility design without sacrificing curb appeal
  • Site layout that’ll please customers as well as your bank account
  • Tips to improve site security without going overboard
  • Smart ways to select interior finishes
  • How to save money when hiring your construction team

This product is also included as part of the following discount packages: 

Format: VID