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Self-Storage Investing Panel: How to Shake ‘Analysis Paralysis’ and Pursue Your Industry Dream

Self-Storage Investing Panel: How to Shake ‘Analysis Paralysis’ and Pursue Your Industry Dream

Many investors new to self-storage can get paralyzed by indecision. Our presenters will discuss how to modify your mindset to quickly validate a project’s viability based on facts, not emotions.

Moderator: Katherine D’Agostino, Founder and Owner, Self-Storage Ninjas
Panelists: Fernando Angelucci, President, Titan Wealth Group; Mark Helm, Owner, Q-2 Self-Storage; Stacy Rossetti, Investor and Coach, StorageNerds
Format: Streaming video
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes

Self-Storage Investing Panel: How to Shake ‘Analysis Paralysis’ and Pursue Your Industry Dream

A mistake many investors make when entering the self-storage industry is being paralyzed by indecision, which leads to a failure to act in timely fashion. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, but there are strategies you can use to feed momentum. Our presenters will discuss how to modify your mindset to quickly validate a project’s viability. Learn to make decisions based on facts, not emotions.

You’ll learn:

  • How to take the emotion out of investment decision-making
  • How to identify, evaluate and conduct due diligence
  • Basic steps of development, financing and building
  • How to create a support group that will hold you accountable
  • The most common investing mistakes and how to avoid them

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Format: VID