If you’re a self-storage manager, facility numbers matter to you as well as the owner! This session will help you cultivate financial intelligence, interpret facility metrics and act on the data.
Get insight for setting street and online rental rates as well as tips for knowing when to adjust rates and by how much. Also hear strategies for successfully executing increases with new and existing tenants.
This session will help you create or update your plan for dealing with delinquent self-storage tenants and recovering past-due rent, providing collections tips, late-fee and notice strategies and more.
This session focuses on the expenses that have a direct bearing on a self-storage facility’s net operating income. It provides tactics for keeping costs in check and negoatiating with service contractors.
In this seminar, you’ll learn ways self-storage facility managers can contribute to the financial health of their property, including accurate record-keeping, handling receivables, cost-cutting and more.
While large self-storage companies possess certain operating advantages, independent owners can carve out healthy market share by implementing smart strategies related to marketing and money management.
Great price! This combo gives you both books in the "How to Make Money in Self-Storage" series at a more than 20 percent discount. Get maximum strategies for increasing income and equity and reducing expenses!
This book by self-storage industry expert Bob Copper provides effective techniques and easy-to-implement strategies for increasing facility revenue and asset value.
This sequel to "How to Make Money in Self-Storage" provides even more strategies to help operators break through the pain of flat-line profit. Learn additional ways to increase income and reduce expenses!
This concise and comprehensive handbook by industry expert Bob Copper contains all the tools the independent self-storage operator needs to run a successful business. It's a perfect day-to-day companion.